June 25, 2013
CONTACT: Kurt Hammond, Public Information Officer- (360) 786-7794
Zeiger transportation reform bill passes House
The House of Representatives took a step toward improving the permitting process for transportation projects in the state of Washington.
House Bill 1978 sponsored by Rep. Hans Zeiger would implement a new seven-step permit process for transportation projects that require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act.
“Permitting in Washington state has made many of our transportation projects far too expensive,” said Zeiger, R-Puyallup. “This seven-step process not only is a cost-saver and streamlines permitting, but it strikes a balance with our environmental goals as well.”
The state Department of Ecology is also directed to convene a work group regarding local permitting of transportation projects under the Shorelines Management Act.
“It is imperative we show the taxpayers of Washington we are serious about reforms and getting the most out of transportation dollars if we are going to gain their trust so we can complete major projects such as Highway 167,” said Zeiger.
The bill passed by a vote of 82-2 and is headed to the Senate for consideration.
For more information about Rep. Zeiger, visit: www.houserepublicans.wa.gov/zeiger.
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